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Chicago Bar Association Criminal Defense Pro Bono Assistance During Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Criminal Defense Pro Bono Assistance During

Democratic National Convention in Chicago


Experienced criminal defense attorneys are being recruited to assist the Circuit Court of Cook County with potential mass arrest situations that may arise during the Democratic National Convention (DNC).  

Pro bono attorneys are needed for First Appearance Hearings, including:

-Release with Conditions Hearings

-Petitions to Deny Pretrial Release

 Volunteers should be familiar with the initial filing of Motion for Sanctions and Petitions to Revoke Pretrial Release.

 Some defendants may also need pro bono representation beyond the first appearance.

Attorneys can sign up to assist at Leighton Criminal Courthouse or at the branch court at Belmont and Western which is being re-opened during the DNC. Attorneys will be needed Saturday, August 17 through Sunday, August 25 beginning at 9:30 a.m. each day.

 Sign up to provide pro bono representation at

Additional information will be shared with volunteers prior to August 17.

The Chicago Bar Association

312-554-2000 |

August 15

Event One

September 12

42nd Annual Illinois Judicial Council Installation